Apolonia 13. A woman’s journey to the moon and back. From theater to painter. A moving documentary worth watching

— SHORTLISTED FOR AN OSCAR NOMINATION FOR BEST DOCUMENTARY — (Translated/revised from Danish for the occasion for an international audience.) (The slightly different Danish version: https://www.lingoblog.dk/apolonia-13-en-kvindes-rejse-til-maanen-og-tilbage/) It took 13 years to make the film. Lea Glob, a former student at Aarhus Cathedral School, Denmark, trained as a documentary filmmaker, decided in 2009 to make a film about a young woman, Apolonia Sokol, living in Paris. They became friends and no matter where they are, they keep in touch. Lea is fairly stable in Denmark, while Apolonia moves from one place to another. Lea has been able to film Apolonia everywhere … Continue reading Apolonia 13. A woman’s journey to the moon and back. From theater to painter. A moving documentary worth watching